Sunday, 25 September 2011

Victorian Moth Grand Prix Series

The dates for the Victorian Moth Grand Prix Series have been confirmed.  Spread across the season at various clubs and incorporating some major regattas we are looking forward to some fantastic racing.  

The first round is the Mcrae Open Day where they are expecting in excess of 90-100 boats, so we should see some fantastic exposure for the class.  With the National Titles in January also at Mornington we are set for a huge season!

A massive thanks to KA Sails for donating a sail for the series.  To help promote regular participation each competitor will receive a ticket for every round entered and the winner of the sail will be drawn after the final round at Black Rock.  

If your an interstate mothie and looking for some action Round 4, which is also our State Titles will be run as part of the Geelong Festival Of Sail.  The event promoters are putting us right in the action just off the end of the pier.  With an estimated 150,000 people along the forshaw that week it will be a great regatta.  If your keen for some action late in the season Round 6, as part of the Black Rock Skiff Regatta is always great regatta.  

Round 1: 22nd Oct - McRae YC Open Day
Round 2: 19th Nov - Mornington YC
Round 3: 3rd Dec - Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club
Round 4: 28th & 29th Jan - Geelong YC, as part of the Geelong Festival of Sail (2012 Victorian State Titles)
Round 5: 3rd Mar - Blairgowire YS
Round 6: 21st & 22nd Apr - Black Rock YC, as part of the BYC Skiff Regatta

Stay tuned for event updates..................................

Monday, 5 September 2011

AUS 3685 vs Dolphin vs Insurance Company

A couple of weeks ago we went for a sail off Mornington, flat water, offshore breeze, great sailing.  I sailed out for about a kilometre, tacked, beared away reached 21.5 knots (according to the velocitek) andall I heard was BANG!!! Followed by one hell of a crash! I have cartwheeled as much as the next bloke, but this one was different, I spent so much time flying through the air I had time to think what I was going to have for dinner.  I have hit fish, plastic bags, jellyfish, a penguin, even managed to sail the bulb on my rudder directly through the eye of a submerged mooring (anchoring me to the bottom), but whatever I hit was big and is also likely to be pretty sore.

I looked back and my rudder was gone.  My rudder pin had literally ripped through the back of the carbon tube that held it in.  After an hour and a half of getting a hire boat to bring us back in the process started to try and claim a new rudder, foil, gantry, tiller, etc. on insurance.

After spending a couple of days being sent back and forth within the company I finally spoke to the assessor, who said "If it is wear and tear that caused the breakage your not covered, you have to prove to us that you hit something".  I'm thinking you beauty how do you prove that you hit something when the rudder is now at the bottom of the ocean?

That particular day I was wearing Richie's Go Pro, but I was shattered when I came in to find out it was not turned on properly and not filming.  That night Richie said he had realised that it was however taking still photos every 4-5 seconds.  I shot around to his place to go through the 500-600 photos, because there where dolphins out there that day, and you guessed it we found a photo of one.  I sent the photo to the assessor and he said they will process the claim, for the only reason that they can't prove that I didn't hit that dolphin.

Below is a pic without my rudder and a pic with the dolphin.  I think the moral to the story is NEVER leave shore without a Go Pro stuck firmly on your head, it could save you thousands!!!!!